CTS52. Pullman ‘K’ Type Third Class Kitchen Car 'Car No. 71'. As running post-war with grey roof and steel sides. This was produced in Korea by F.C. Models for Golden Age Models. These highly detailed brass models were factory built in brass, are highly unlikely to be bettered, and have been unavailable for some time. Fitted with working interior lighting, highly detailed interior and underframe, opening doors and glass windows. It also has roller bearing axles fitted for smooth running, and seated passengers have been added. The model is supplied in its original box having been lightly used on a working layout. The prototype was one of the 1928 'All Steel' K Type Pullmans, constructed by Metropolitan Cammell. Surprisingly, rather than going into service Car No. 71 along with sister car No. 72 were put into storage as 'spare'. They soon went into East Coast services including 'Queen of Scots' and 'Yorkshire Pullman' where they stayed including being loaned to the LNER during war years (Pullman fittings removed, painted brown, and used as 'ordinary' first class stock). They continued on East Coast services after post-war refurbishment. For the 1953 Coronation it is likely that Car No. 71 was used for conveying overseas visitors from Southampton Docks to London (it was in Clapham yard at around this time). In 1959 Car No. 71 was remodelled as a Third Class Brake/Parlour Car prior to the new BR Mk1 Pullmans joining East Coast services (with more modern kitchen equipment). Presumably continuing on East Coast services, withdrawal came sometime in 1965 or 1966 and it is not one of the survivors. £550.