About Steamline
Steamline Ltd. sells high quality model railway locomotives, coaches and rolling stock in Gauge 'O' and Gauge ‘1’ from our base in Halifax, West Yorkshire. All our models are to Finescale standards and nearly all are electrically powered - mostly DC, but some models are DCC (digital), often including sound, and this is stated in the description. Occasionally we are able to offer Gauge 1 live steam models.
The models we sell come into two categories.
Primarily, we sell a very large amount of models on a commission basis on behalf of Customers and other contacts made over the many years we have been trading. These are often kit/scratch built but not exclusively. Some of our stock comes from modellers who acquired stock over the years always with the intention of building a layout but never quite made it. These models are mostly mint/boxed/unused. Note that we only accept models for commission sales which meet our own exacting standards.
Secondly, Steamline owned stock. These tend to be new or very lightly used stock from the major 'ready to run' manufacturers such as Finescale Brass/Sancheng, Golden Age, Tower, L.H.Loveless, Sunset Models, Masterpiece Models, Lionheart Trains, Bachmann etc.
So to maintain an ongoing good stock of high quality models we are always seeking to acquire further top quality Gauge 'O' and Gauge '1' models by direct purchase (see the 'WANTED' list below) or to sell on a commission basis (based on a fixed percentage of the sale price, no VAT and no additional charges). Note that our website reaches a large audience and we sell internationally.
Our current commission rates (January 2024) are as follows.
Items with a sold value up to £100 - 20% Commission.
Items with a sold value of between £101 and £500 - 17.5% Commission.
Items with a sold value over £500 - 15% Commission.
WANTED. We are always seeking to Purchase quality models in mint and boxed condition by Finescale Brass/Sancheng, Golden Age Models, L.H. Loveless, Masterpiece Models and Lee Marsh/Sette Models.
Please call 01422-201247 or email enquiries@steamline.co.uk .
Alternatively we are happy to discuss a commission sale of your models and will accept locos, coaches, rolling stock, accessories and unbuilt kits. Under certain circumstances we will also provide our services for the dismantling and sale of model layouts and workshop contents.
A very good well built older model, almost certainly from a Martin Finney kit, of a BR ex-LNER V2 2-6-2 No. 60809 ‘The Snapper’. In weathered BR green with late tender crest and shedplate 51A Darlington.
You can contact us by emailing enquiries@steamline.co.uk or use the Contact page.
Alternatively please telephone 01422-201247.
Available Stock
Stock shown on the website with a stated price is usually available for sale. Items marked as 'Reserved' are pending payment and delivery to Customers, or we can deliver to model railway shows. See the 'Events' page for shows we will be attending.