LAO03. BR ex- LNER Gresley Class V2 2-6-2 Loco and tender No. 60890. In lined BR green with late crest and shedplate 38C Leicester (Great Central). This is a brass model by Sancheng for Finescale Brass and fitted with a compensated chassis (loco and tender), multi-stage gearbox and excellent cab detail. The model has had light to medium use (judging by the wheels) and is supplied in a plain box. The lining is to a good amateur standard, cab glazing is required, and the rear coupling hook appears to have been replaced. The prototype was into service from Darlington Works to Doncaster shed in December 1939 as LNER No. 4861. It became LNER No. 890 in the 1946 renumbering scheme and subsequently BR No. 60890. Its LNER days were at Doncaster, New England and Sheffield (Darnall) - the latter an unusual allocation for a V2. It went to the ex- Great Central secion in 1951 at Woodford Halse, spending most of its BR days between there and Leicester (GC). It was withdrawn from Leicester in May 1962. £895.