LTS17. LNER Gresley Class V2 2-6-2 and Tender No. 4831 'Durham School'. In lined LNER apple green livery. This is factory built by DJH from their own kit and fitted with a heavy duty multi-stage gearbox (probably with DJH's own motor), Slaters wheels, and with excellent cab detail and crew. Additionally fitted with DCC and Sound using an ESU Loksound decoder (address 4831). The model has been lightly used on a working layout and is extremely well weighted. Supplied in its original DJH box - Note that shipping (UK or International) is by DHL only at cost price as the box is too long for Royal Mail. The prototype was into service from Darlington Works to Gateshead in May 1939. It became No. 860 under the LNER 1946 renumbering scheme and subsequently BR No. 60860. It was withdrawn from Heaton (Newcastle) in October 1962 after spending its whole life between there and Gateshead (plus a spell at Tweedmouth between 1953 and 1957). £1495.