LKB03. BR ex- Southern Railway Maunsell 'Schools' 4-4-0 and Tender No. 30935 'Sevenoaks'. In lined BR black with early crest, weathered, and with shedplate 73B Bricklayers Arms. This is from a David Andrews brass kit and fitted with an ABC gearbox, Canon or similar motor, Slaters wheels, compensation on the leading loco axle, dummy inside motion, extra pickups on the tender, and with excellent cab detail and crew. Additionally fitted with DCC and sound using an ESU Loksound chip (address 935). The model has had medium use. The prototype was into service from Eastleigh Works in May 1925 as Southern Railway No. 935. It became BR No. 30935 and was withdrawn from Nine Elms in December 1962 having been there just over 12 months. It was a Bricklayers Arms loco for 11 of its 14 years in BR service. PRICE REDUCTION TO £895.