LKB06. BR ex- Southern Railway Maunsell 'Lord Nelson' 4-6-0 and Tender No. 30855 'Robert Blake'. Paired with an 8-wheel high sided bogie tender. In early lined BR malachite green, weathered, with 'British Railways' on the tender as running circa 1948/49. This is from a Sanspareil brass kit and fitted with a multi-stage gearbox, Canon or similar motor, Slaters wheels and with excellent cab detail and crew. Additionally fitted with DCC and sound using an ESU Loksound chip (address 855). The model has had light to medium use. The prototype was into service from Eastleigh Works in November 1928 as Southern Railway No. 855. It became BR No. 30855 in 1949 and was withdrawn from Eastleigh in September 1961. Its early BR days whilst in this livery were at Bournemouth. RESERVED.